Today marks one year since my first post here at Art Contrarian.
For a while I cross-posted material at But eventually Ray Sawhill, after some consultation with me and perhaps other interested parties, decided to close it down as an active site; it's still on the Internet, but new posting has ceased.
I started Art Contrarian figuring that I couldn't maintain 2Blowhards by myself, and that the blog had lost its zip when Ray "retired" from it. I made two formative decisions regarding the new blog. First, I wanted to keep politics out of it as much as possible (though I knew this would reduce commentary considerably). Second, I wanted to reduce posting to a level that I could manage without it dominating my real life. The result is a Monday-Wednesday-Friday posting schedule, though most posts are written about a week in advance and stockpiled for later release.
I'm pleased with the results. Especially pleased that readership has increased about eightfold since the early months. Thank you for visiting: I appreciate your interest in what's going on here.