About the Project... The Macarthur Textile Network and Camden Council invite all who live, work, study or have a connection to the Macarthur area to enter the Macarthur Textile Challenge 2010. The challenge aims to build a stronger sense of community among the textile arts and the diverse communities of the Macarthur region by showcasing textile works that respond to the theme.
The work can be 2 or 3 dimensional traditional, contemporary or a combination of textile forms and must be an interpretation of the theme. Challenge Theme
We invite you to express what the theme means to you in your entry;
We all have a pattern. A weave. A past. A present. Many threads of family history have brought us here. Sometimes the thread breaks…but we all came from the same garden many years ago.
How can our hands bring together our diverse threads and create a pattern for a future together? Entry Details Who can enter the Challenge Anyone who lives, works, studies or has a connection to the Macarthur area. Young people in senior years of High School in the Macarthur area that are studying textiles or other art related subjects.
The Macarthur area include Camden, Campbelltown and Wollondilly local government areas. Specifications of Entry
The work must be an interpretation of the theme and can be traditional or contemporary or a combination of textile forms.
The work must have no side exceeding 50cm and may be 2 or 3 dimensional.
Each work must have an artist statement up to 200 words.
One work and artist statement per entry with up to three entries per person.
Entries are to be ranked one to three.
Should entries received exceed exhibition space, the ranking will be used to select which work will be exhibited.
How to Enter 1.Contact Community Project Officer, Richard Petkovic to register your interest and receive an entry form. richard.petkovic@camden.nsw.gov.au (preferred contact option) or call 4645 5106.
2.An entry fee of $5 including GST applies to all non student entries.
3.Forward the completed entry form including the entry fee to Attn: Richard Petkovic Community Planning and Development Camden Council PO Box 183 Camden NSW 2570 by 4 pm 23 April 2010
4.Art works must be received at the Camden Civic Centre no later than 5 pm, Friday 21 May 2010.
Conditions of Entry The Macarthur Textile Network and Camden Council do not accept responsibility for works during their transit.
Artists will not be notified of the arrival of art works.
Each entry must have a label which identifies the work securely attached (stitched or safety pinned). Details to include: Name & Address of artist; Name of Work; Techniques used.
All entries must be collected from the Camden Civic Centre between 31 May and 5 June, 2010.