Announcing Zara- our faithful library duck! Zara travels all over the world to places (and in particular, libraries) to bring the world closer to home. Zara is currently in New York with Denise checking out the sites.
Zara at Zara- 34th St, NY
Zara began her journey in London as part of the Chasing Ducks Blog, which sends rubber duckies to anyone who wants one, with one provisio- snap some picks of your duck at its new location and upload them to the chasing ducks blog.
With a locator application on the website, this keeps track of everywhere your duck has been. The idea is that you then send the duck on to someone you know, or leave the duck for others to find.
But when Zara came in her cute little box, we knew we couldn't let her go! So we trained Zara in all things library, and now she travels the world with library staff, council staff, library patrons and friends of the library!

So keep track of Zara on her own Chasing Ducks page, or stay tuned for the latest photos and goodies!
With a locator application on the website, this keeps track of everywhere your duck has been. The idea is that you then send the duck on to someone you know, or leave the duck for others to find.
But when Zara came in her cute little box, we knew we couldn't let her go! So we trained Zara in all things library, and now she travels the world with library staff, council staff, library patrons and friends of the library!
Zara tells a story at Narellan Library
So keep track of Zara on her own Chasing Ducks page, or stay tuned for the latest photos and goodies!