Beautiful Predator Fish by Kirsten Borror 2012 Pen on paper 5x5 |
This fish will lie motionless and attack its prey by ambush. There is a softer side to Venustus though. Mama Venustus will scoop up her fertilized eggs and keep them in her mouth for three weeks. If she is disturbed before the three weeks are up, the developing eggs will be spit out and the brood lost. Protective measures need to be taken over mother so she can bring forth new life. Rest, peace, being still, waiting to receive, these are aspects of femininity. We don't like to do this because taking action, bullet points, "going forth" are our masculine cultural preferences. Nurture, holding, being present are necessary to growth and to knowing ourselves. It is scientifically proven that human beings are deeply marred if not touched and held as infants. If we as a culture want to get to new ground, we will have to value the feminine in ourselves. Tomorrow I'll post my painting of this fish.